mardi 29 mars 2016

Lesson #5: March 29th, 2016: Nous sommes quel jour aujourd'hui?

Dear parents,

I would like to start by telling you that your kids are making incredible progress and I'm very proud of each of them! This is such a great group!

Today after the greetings and the call, we reviewed:
  •  our poem "S'il-te-plaît!": some of the kids recite the poem in front of their colleagues and they did super great! (see some videos attached)
  • and  how to give instructions to our classmate. They were able to do so with their colleagues brilliantly!  I give them a paper with all instructions we've learned so that they can practice at home with you or any member of the family:

Today we've learned:
- number until 20 (and reviewed number from 0 to 12).
- a new song called "Mes petites mains" (my little hands)

- the days of the week (briefly): lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi et dimanche.
- new verbs: gommer (to erase), dessiner (to draw), tailler (to sharpen), peindre (to paint), découper (to cut), coller (to glue), écrire (to write). 
- new lexicon: mains (hands), en haut (up), en bas (down), à gauche (left), à droite (right), days of the week.

As you can notice, they've learned many new words and expressions but no worries...we gonna review everything next week by doing more games and exercices to help them memorize!

Homework for next week:
  • practice the sheet with instructions 
  • listen to the song "Mes petites mains.", the CD can be found in the lessons' book with orange cover. 
Thank you and see you next time!

Kind regards,


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