mardi 29 mars 2016

Lesson #5: March 29th, 2016: Nous sommes quel jour aujourd'hui?

Dear parents,

I would like to start by telling you that your kids are making incredible progress and I'm very proud of each of them! This is such a great group!

Today after the greetings and the call, we reviewed:
  •  our poem "S'il-te-plaît!": some of the kids recite the poem in front of their colleagues and they did super great! (see some videos attached)
  • and  how to give instructions to our classmate. They were able to do so with their colleagues brilliantly!  I give them a paper with all instructions we've learned so that they can practice at home with you or any member of the family:

Today we've learned:
- number until 20 (and reviewed number from 0 to 12).
- a new song called "Mes petites mains" (my little hands)

- the days of the week (briefly): lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi et dimanche.
- new verbs: gommer (to erase), dessiner (to draw), tailler (to sharpen), peindre (to paint), découper (to cut), coller (to glue), écrire (to write). 
- new lexicon: mains (hands), en haut (up), en bas (down), à gauche (left), à droite (right), days of the week.

As you can notice, they've learned many new words and expressions but no worries...we gonna review everything next week by doing more games and exercices to help them memorize!

Homework for next week:
  • practice the sheet with instructions 
  • listen to the song "Mes petites mains.", the CD can be found in the lessons' book with orange cover. 
Thank you and see you next time!

Kind regards,


mardi 22 mars 2016

Lesson #4: March 22nd, 2016: Revision - Qui fait quoi?


Today, we mainly reviewed all what we learned last week as it was quite dense:
  • Common verb to give instructions (donner, prêter, demander, prendre, poser…)
  • We reviewed our poem and most of the students recite it in front of the class. I must say that I was quite amazed by how fast they remembered it and how good they played it :) ! See below! 
  • Asking the question "Qui fait quoi?" (Who is doing what?) and answering the question: "C'est ..." (It is ...)
  • We did some exercises to assimilate the previous achievements and we corrected the homework:

    • I gave them different words and they had to put them in order to create a sentence:
    •  I gave them the poem with blanks and they have to put the right pictures at the right place. It helped them memorize the poem more easily! 

Please find below the homework for the next session: 
  • Activity Book (white cover): ex. n°4, page 18 (for those who didn't do it yet) 
  • Review the poem and recite it to a family member
  • Do the exercise on the sheet I gave them (please see below how it looks like)
Please if you have any doubt, please don't hesitate to send me an email or call me! 
Kind regards, 

jeudi 17 mars 2016

Lesson #3: March 15th, 2016: Qui fait quoi?


Today and as always, we've started with our routine:
  1. Greetings the children: "Bonjour comment ça va?" and they reply "Ca va très bien merci!" or "Ca va bien merci!" or "Ca va comme-ci comme-ça!" or "Ca va mal!" 
  2. One volunteer do the call 
  3. Revision of the previous classes. Today we reviewed the numbers, asking the age and telling its age and finally we reviewed the school supplies (color pencils, ruler, pen, glue etc...)
  4. And today we started to learn a new poem "S'il-te-plaît" 

During this class, the kids are starting to get familiar with:
  • some common verbs to give instructions: 
    • demander = to ask
    • prêter = to lend something to...
    • donner = to give
    •  prendre = to take 
Each kid has one school supplies in his hand and I gave them some simple instructions like: 
Prête-moi la gomme s'il-te-plaît! 
Donne la règle à Maria s'il-te-plaît! 
Prend les crayons de couleur de Manu s'il-te-plaît! 
Demande à Zaza les ciseaux s'il-te-plaît!  
They really did pretty good! I'm very proud of them! 

  • asking the question "Qui fait quoi?" (Who is doing what?) and answering the question: "C'est ..." (It is ...) 
  • new vocabulary: amie (friends), tu es formidable! (You are wonderful), common verbs and school supplies

    I gave them some homework to do:
    1. On the activity book (with white cover): Ex. 2 and 3, Page 18 (ex. 1 and 4 are optional) 
    2. A sheet with all school supplies to review and remember for the next class
    For the next session, we gonna review deeply all of what we've learned it was quite a bit to assimilate, and we will learn numbers until 20!

    If you have any question, please don't hesitate to let me know!

    Kind regards,


    mardi 8 mars 2016

    Lesson #2: March 8th, 2016: Numbers and quel âge as-tu?

    Bonjour chers parents,

    Today was another fun and fruitful day! After reviewing and refreshing what they've learned last week, we starts learning numbers from 0 to 12 and we were able to complete our dialogue by adding the question "Tu as quel âge?" (How old are you?).

    We've played different games to memorize the numbers:
      • crocodile river: numbers were on the river, in order to cross the river without being eaten by the crocodiles, they had to step on the right combination of numbers, 
      • two teams (the french leader and the zappers) were asked to write the correct number on the board. The most rapid team won...Congratulations to the Zapper team (Zaza, Manuella, Aditya, Maria, Isabella)

    After learning the numbers they were able to answer the question: "tu as quel âge?" "J'ai 8 ans.". Now each kid is able to present himself correctly! Here is the dialogue they played (see videos below):

    Bonjour !

    Bonjour ! Comment ça va?

    Ça va bien ! Merci, et toi ?

    Ça va très bien !  Merci. 

    Comment tu t’appelles ?

    Je m’appelle …………………. et toi?

    Je m’appelle ………………….

    Tu as quel âge ?

    J’ai ………… ans. 

    Please ask your child to present himself to you by saying hello, telling his name and his age. I also asked them to write the numbers in letters from 1 to 12. 

    Looking forward to the next session!



    mardi 1 mars 2016

    Lesson #1, March 1st, 2016: Kick-off and greetings

    Bonjour et bienvenus! 

    Reminder: this French class is designed for children who have never or rarely been exposed to the French Language. It follows the FLE (Français Langue Etrangère) program, for French Language Acquisition for Foreigners. 

    With this interactive method children are aimed to learn easily and happily in a friendly and enjoyable way through fun songs, storytelling, games and crafts. 

    The course will cover enough knowledge for your children to enjoy using the language for basic communication and expression.

    Today, we had a great kick off with a very enthousiastic and happy group of 8 girls and 2 boys.

    A very warm welcome to our newcomers: 
    - Luana Silberberg (1st grade) 
    - Tiago Maia (1st grade) 
    - Gabriela Steagall (3rd grade) 
    - Luiza Cardoso (3rd grade) 
    - Isabella Pierry (3rd grade) 
    - Luiza Apovian (3rd grade) 

    And a very welcome to our French experts:
    - Maria Heckmann (3rd grade)
    - Isabel Heckmann  (2nd grade)
    - Aditya Banrjee (1st grade)
    - Manuela Bartz (1st grade)   

    During our first lesson: 
    • we got to know each other (our names, grades, favorite colors, where we are from etc...)
    • the kids received their new books and all the material.
    • I introduce them to family LEGRAND: Monsieur Luc LEGRAND, Madame Jeanne LEGRAND, Alice, Léo and Maggie. Through the year, the students will follow their adventures.  
    • they learned a simple dialogue on how to say hello, to ask how are you? and what's your name? and they are able to answer very well those questions. 
    A: Bonjour ! 

    B: Bonjour ! Comment ça va?

    A: Ça va bien ! Merci, et toi ?

    B: Ça va très bien !  Merci.

    A: Comment tu t’appelles ?
    B: Je m’appelle ………………. et toi?

    A: Je m’appelle ……………….... 

    Please ask them about what they've learned and  practice with them the dialogue. 

    If you have any question or need any additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me. 
