mardi 5 avril 2016

Lesson #6: April 5th, 2016: Révision - Nous sommes quel jour aujourd'hui?


Today after the greetings and the call, we reviewed:
  • The numbers from 0 to 20 by playing different games.
  • We listened again to the song "Mes petites mains" 
  • We played a game that reviewed both the school supplies and the direction (en haut=up, en bas= down, à droite=right, à gauche=left). They were some cards on the river and I gave them some instruction like: "go on the card on the left of the glue!" "Go on the card on the right of the color pencils" etc... In order to cross the river without getting eaten by the crocodiles. 

What's new?
  • They learned how to ask the question "Which day are we today?" = "Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd'hui?" and to answer the question: "Aujourd'hui, nous sommes mardi 5 avril" (Today we are Tuesday, April 5th.) 

  • They learned the day of the week: Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche 
  • We played a sudoku game to review and reinforce the use of up, down, left and right. 

  • Book of activity (white cover): Ex. n°3 and 4, page 21. 
    • Ex. 3: Try to separate the days of the week and then write them.
    • Ex. 4: Connect the number to the correct word and then write it. 

Next week, we will start a new lesson "Tu aimes aller à l'école?": they learn to express what they like and what they don't like in school.

Kind regards,


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