mardi 12 avril 2016

Lesson #7: April 12th, 2016: Tu aimes aller à l'école?


Today after the greetings and the call:
  • we played a game to review the verbs related to school supplies like: gommer (=to erase), tailler (= to sharpen), dessiner (=to draw), coller (=to glue), découper (= to cut) etc... Each kids have received a card of an action and they had to mime it to the rest of the class. They loved this game...and all wanted to do it again! :) 

  • we reviewed also the question "Nous sommes quel jour aujourd'hui?" (=which day are we today?) and they gave the date of the day. Mardi 9 avril. 
Then, we started a new lesson called "Tu aimes aller à l'école?" (Do you like to go to school?):

  • they learned about different activities related to school.

  • they are starting to use "j'aime" et "je n'aime pas" (I like, and I don't like).
  • they are starting to learn to express which activity in school they like and they don't like! 
Next week, we will review all this new sentences and words and they will be able to ask their partner about what they like and what they don't 't like. 

    • write the numbers from ten to twenty 
    • write 3 times the day of the week 
    Kind regards,


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