jeudi 17 septembre 2015

Lesson#2 Sept. 8th, 2015: Bonjour! Salut!


Bonjour chers parents, 
Today was a fantastic and productive day! 

Let me first share with you the introduction's routine of our class:
- at the beginning, one kid volunteers to call the attendees from the register, and the children answer "présent(e)!" or "absent(e)!"
- then, the mascotte of the class, Amélie, asks each kid "Bonjour! Comment ça va?". The expected answer is: "Bonjour Amélie! Ca va bien!"
- and at the end, we do a review of the previous learnings before introducing the next topic.


Today we learned a new song called: "Bonjour! Salut!". 

It has been scientifically proven that information taught to children in the form of a song is easier for the child to remember. Children learn through repetition and many of the learning songs we gonna use  have repetitive lyrics that help them memorize much better. Don't you remember the ABC song you learned at lower school? I still DO.

Please find herewith the link of the french hello song. Ask your child to sing to you. 

We also played a memory game specially created for this song,  
and at the end some of the children were able to perform on stage using the new words/expressions they learned: 
"Bonjour" "Salut" "Comment ça va? "Comment vas-tu?" "Très bien." "Et toi?" 

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